Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Equality & Diversity

2TG is committed to promoting equality and diversity in relation to the recruitment and treatment of pupils, tenants and staff and the provision of services to clients, in accordance with the Equality and Diversity Rules in the Bar Standards Board Handbook and the Equality Act 2010.

Members and staff attend Bar Council training sessions at the Bar Council, as well as regular in-house sessions also conducted by the Bar Council.

In accordance with the Bar Standards Boards equality rules, members and staff are given the opportunity to provide diversity data in order for Chambers to publish an anonymous summary of such data.

Our diversity data can be found here, and we publish an updated summary of the data every 3 years.

The contribution of a number of our barristers has been recognised at award events for the legal profession in relation to commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. Caroline Harrison KC and Rehana Azib KC were shortlisted for their contribution to diversity at the Chambers Bar Awards in 2020 and 2021 respectively. Rehana Azib KC won the title of ‘Barrister of the Year’ at the Next 100 Years Inspirational Women in Law Awards 2021. The Inspirational Women in Law Awards recognises individuals from across the legal profession who are leading the way in improving equality and diversity.

Equal Opportunities

2TG are an equal opportunities employer and are committed to the promotion of equality and diversity across all aspects of our practice.  We ensure that in the recruitment and selection process, candidates are assessed against relevant criteria only, i.e. skills, qualifications and experience, and all employees are given equal chances of training, career development and promotion.

London Living Wage

2TG is working towards all staff being paid at or above the minimum hourly rate set annually by the Living Wage foundation and calculated by the Greater London Authority, by the end of 2020.

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