
Alistair Mackenzie secures tumble dryer settlement with Hoover

Posted: 22/03/2022

In January 2018, the Core family suffered a fire which caused severe damage to their home. Mrs Core saw the contents of her Hoover Candy tumble dryer appear to shimmer, and shortly afterwards the entire downstairs of the house was on fire. The contents of the home was destroyed and great distress caused to the Core’s children. The family and their insurers pursued a claim against Hoover under the Consumer Protection Act 1987.

Hoover denied liability, contending for alternative causes of the fire and blaming Mrs Core for not taking certain steps to prevent the fire taking hold. The case was managed by the Technology and Construction Court, with an order being made that Hoover provide extended disclosure in a number of categories.

The parties have now reached a settlement which involves no admission of liability, fault or defect on the part of Hoover Limited. The claimants look forward to being able to move on with their lives.

For further information, please see:

Alistair Mackenzie acted on behalf of the claimant family and their insurers throughout the claim.


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