
Bob Moxon Browne KC instructed in important appeal against conviction for Contempt of Court

Posted: 27/02/2023

Bob Moxon Browne KC instructed in important appeal against conviction for Contempt of Court in relation to Commercial Court enforcement of GAFTA arbitration award.

Following Cockerill J’s recent well-publicised Commercial Court Judgment in ADM International v Grain House International (2023) EWCA 135 Comm, when the Court found the Defendant and its CEO in contempt of Court in relation to breaches of asset freezing and disclosure of assets orders made in aid of enforcement of multi-million dollar GAFTA arbitration Award. Bob Moxon Browne KC has been instructed on an appeal, raising important points of law and practice.

Grain House International was fined £75,000, and its CEO Moroccan tycoon Mr Elhachemi Boutgueray, was sentenced to an immediate term of imprisonment. Both are appealing to the Court of Appeal against conviction and sentence. Amongst other issues the appeals will raise the points about whether a company director can be made liable for civil contempt of a Court Order to which he was not himself a party, following the replacement of the former CPR 81.4 with the provisions of the new, simplified CPR 81.


Bob Moxon Browne KC

Call: 1969 Silk: 1990


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