
Damage Day 2019

Posted: 06/11/2019

Hyatt Regency London Blackfriars,
19 New Bridge Street,
London EC4V 6DB,

10th January 2023

Cost: Free
CPD: 3 hours

The 2TG Property Damage Team invites you to its 6th Annual Damage Day Seminar

Chaired by Neil Moody KC, Head of the 2TG Property Damage Group

Keynote address: Litigating in the TCC
The Hon Mr Justice Fraser, Judge-in-charge of the TCC
Mr Justice Fraser will look at current developments in the TCC and give a judge’s perspective on how best to conduct TCC proceedings.

Japanese Knotweed
Jack Harris
Jack discusses the implications of the decision in Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd v Williams [2018] EWCA Civ 1514 on nuisance claims involving Japanese Knotweed.

Burning Down the House
Daniel Crowley
Daniel will talk about causation issues in property damage claims arising from fires, including the burden of proof, use of statistics, and the effect of use of a defective product with knowledge of the defect.

Constructing a Duty? Construction Professionals, Purchasers and Economic Loss
Can architects and/or approved inspectors be held liable for economic loss to purchasers of properties which they ‘sign off’? Discussed, the potential contractual, tortious and statutory duties that might be owed by construction professionals in the light of recent case law.

Cladding: Evolution and Revolution
David Crowder, Expert Fire Engineer, DCCH Experts LLP
David is a highly regarded fire safety investigation expert, specialising in the investigation of fire safety matters. He is the expert witness currently instructed by the Metropolitan Police in its criminal investigation into the fire at Grenfell Tower, and currently working on a large number of civil and criminal matters concerning cladding and the fire safety of buildings generally.

David will review the dramatic recent changes in the attitudes of the public, building owners and the construction industry in relation to cladding fire safety, compared with the evolution of fire safety knowledge that took place in years past.  In particular he will deal with the challenges posed by new expectations and regulatory requirements that are imposed upon buildings that were once deemed compliant, but no longer are, and the technical implications for claims.

Challenging Defects: An Update on the Defective Premises Act
An overview of the recent Court of Appeal guidance on these claims, as well as practical tips on how to prepare DPA cases, including considerations of whether or not representative actions or group litigation orders may be appropriate in this area.


Daniel Crowley

Call: 1990

Jack Harris

Call: 2006


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