
Damage Day 2023

Posted: 21/06/2023

The Honourable Society of the Inner Temple,
Crown Office Row,
London EC4Y 7HL,

5th July 2023
2pm - 5pm

Cost: Free
CPD: 3

The 2TG Property Damage Team is delighted to invite you to its 8th Annual Damage Day Seminar.

Chaired by Sonia Nolten KC, our programme covers topical developments in property damage litigation.

The afternoon of talks will be held in person at the Inner Temple’s brand new, state of the art conference facilities (see:

The seminar programme will be followed by a drinks and canapé reception at 5pm. We hope our attendees will enjoy this opportunity to meet, mingle and network with fellow damage litigation professionals. If any of your colleagues are interested in attending and have not received an invitation, please contact Deborah Francis at

  • Daniel Crowley – Going Dam Busters!: Claims in the UK for property damage abroad
  • Timothy Killen – Joint Insurance Defences after The RFU v Clark Smith: still worth a try, or kicked into touch.
  • Jessica van der Meer – Cladding: a stock take on where we are now and where we may be headed
  • Emma Catia Walker – Is nuisance always a nuisance?


Sonia Nolten KC

Call: 2002 Silk: 2023

Daniel Crowley

Call: 1990

Timothy Killen

Call: 2010


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