
Fundraising for the Royal British Legion

Posted: 06/11/2020

As part of 2TG’s ongoing corporate social responsibility initiatives and with Remembrance Day around the corner, we have decided to support the Royal British Legion (RBL) this November.

The RBL is a charity providing financial, social and emotional support to members and veterans of the British Armed Forces, their families and dependants.

As we are now in lockdown, many of us won’t have an opportunity to show our support by purchasing poppies at train stations, shops etc as we might have done. Given that a number of charities have been struggling throughout the Covid-19 pandemic due to its impact on fundraising initiatives, we wanted to give people the opportunity to donate the cost of what you would ordinarily pay for a poppy, online, with the money going straight to the RBL.

You can donate via this link:

All donations are very gratefully received.


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