
Damage Day 2018

Posted: 31/10/2018

Hyatt Regency London Blackfriars,
19 New Bridge Street,
London EC4V 6DB,

10th January 2023

Cost: Free
CPD: 3 hours

The 2TG Property Damage Team invites you to its 5th Annual Damage Day Seminar and drinks reception.  Chaired by Charles Dougherty QC our programme this year features speakers from the bar, the bench and industry, and covers key topics of current importance in property damage litigation. This year the talks will focus on property damage issues arising out of natural events, including:

Hon Mrs Justice Carr
A keynote speech from the Hon Mrs Justice Carr, who will discuss how the law allocates liability for natural events. In particular, how the law has determined the existence and scope of duties of care in the context of natural hazards, how the law has developed the concept of “damage” to cope with the effects of unusual natural phenomena, and how the law has set clear limits on liability for natural events.

Jack Harris : Damage Caused by Trees
Jack will address new developments and old problems in cases involving damage by trees: Tree Preservation Orders, injunctions for tree removal, and periodic inspections of high-risk trees.

Daniel Crowley : Slip Slidin’ Away; withdrawal of support to land and buildings.
Daniel will look at the current law on liability for property damage caused by landslips and the withdrawal of support to land and buildings.

Jessica van der Meer : Taking one for the team or being taken for a ride?
Jessica will conduct a review of recent case law on flood defences and compensation.

Marcus Gresham : Contractors All Risks Claims: Fifty Shades of Grey?
Marcus, a Managing Director and Charles Taylor Adjusting, will focus on the Loss Adjuster role, with practical examples, and the recurring important issues in a CAR Adjuster’s life.


Daniel Crowley

Call: 1990

Jack Harris

Call: 2006


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