
Introducing the 2TG YouTube Channel

Posted: 25/06/2020

We are pleased to announce that 2TG has launched its own YouTube Channel.

As you may be aware we have been running a series of webinars during the lockdown period across all of our practice areas including, but by no means limited to, topics relating to COVID-19.

Please click here to view and subscribe to our channel and to receive updates when we post new content.

Recent webinar topics include:

Up and coming events include further webinars in a series by our Employment Team, with the next one covering springboard injunctions, and a series of three webinars from our Commercial Dispute Resolution Team dealing with issues of privilege and a webinar on the African Minerals Judgment. Keep an eye on your inbox for dates, speakers and registration information.

If you have any topics that you would like to see us cover, please feel free to contact Lee Tyler, Senior Clerk via or our Marketing Executive, Deborah Francis, via


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