
New Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018

Posted: 18/04/2018

The Government has today published a draft of the proposed Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018. These are proposals to implement the New Package Travel Directive and have been hotly anticipated by travel law practitioners.

These proposals are particularly important for personal injury practitioners involved in litigation arising from an organiser’s liability for the proper performance of each of the elements of the package holiday. The draft proposals, amongst other things, extend the types of holiday contract that will be considered a package. For example, the new regime is likely to impose obligations on many travel agents and online portals that allow consumers to book (for example) flights from one trader and accommodation from another, in circumstances where they would not have been within the scope of the old Regulations.

The Government plans for the draft Regulations to come into force on 1 July 2018. The 2TG Travel Group will provide a detailed comment on the current proposals and the road to implementation in the coming days.


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