At 2TG our people are hard-working, forward-thinking and approachable. We believe our supportive culture is one of our greatest strengths.
With the set comprising around 60 barristers, we know each other well and work effectively together. We often operate in large teams with clients. Our practice management team is modern and commercial, matching barrister experience thoughtfully to clients’ requirements.
At 2TG our barristers are expert in a broad range of complementary practice areas and we enjoy repeat instructions from a variety of loyal clients.
Practised advocates from the start, all our Silks and the vast majority of our Junior barristers are recognised as leaders in their chosen fields. Many of us are at the forefront of shaping the law in our specialist areas and we pride ourselves in having excellent industry knowledge.
At 2TG our barristers have excellent experience acting across a range of industry sectors and we are able to offer advice in an informed and commercial context.
Our combination of practice area excellence and industry expertise means we possess real insight into the commercial realities facing our clients operating in these areas. Secondment plays an important part of our commitment to developing our skills and understanding.
2TG is home to award-winning accredited mediators, arbitrators, adjudicators and experts with considerable experience of alternative dispute resolution.
Our barristers are also skilled as advocates in different alternative dispute resolution procedures and work strategically with clients to understand their commercial objectives, and then to resolve litigation as cost-effectively and expeditiously as possible.
Work with an international dimension forms a significant part of many barristers’ work at 2TG.
We appear in international courts and arbitral tribunals all over the world, frequently acting on complex multi-jurisdictional disputes. We are particularly well-known for managing cross border litigation on matters of jurisdiction and applicable law and appear regularly in the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal.
At 2TG, in addition to our professional advice, we are recognised for our excellent contribution to education and development. We provide regular high-quality training.
Our reputation among the legal profession and other clients for our first-rate webinars and in-person conferences is very important to us. We also contribute frequently at industry events and as editors of leading texts and authors on topics of legal interest.
Alistair’s practice spans a range of commercial disputes, with specialisms in private international law, group litigation, insurance and product liability.
Alistair also has a busy practice in “ESG litigation”. He acts in litigation concerning allegations of environmental damage and business human rights abuses, bringing to bear his expertise in private international law and group litigation.
He is ranked in the legal directories as a leading junior in multiple areas, and described as “intelligent, astute, helpful and unflappable” and “completely reliable”. He is particularly praised for providing “great advocacy” and being “adept at picking the right strategy” with “exceptional knowledge of the law”. He was nominated as the 2024 Group Litigation Junior of the Year by the Legal 500 Guide.
Alistair’s recent work includes:
He accepts instructions in applications for urgent injunctive relief, including anti-suit injunctions, freezing orders, search and imaging orders, doorstep delivery up orders and Norwich Pharmacal orders. He has experience of contempt proceedings and of obtaining custodial sentences and sequestration orders.
Alistair has a busy commercial disputes practice, acting as sole counsel or part of a larger team. He regularly handles cases concerning allegations of breach of contract, civil fraud, conspiracy, professional negligence and misuse of confidential information. His practice covers a range of industry sectors, including financial services, manufacturing, logistics, sports, energy and the extractive industries.
Many of Alistair’s cases concern an international or cross-border dispute, and he is recognised as an expert in matters of jurisdiction and applicable law.
He accepts instructions in applications for urgent injunctive relief, including anti-suit injunctions, freezing orders, search and imaging orders, doorstep delivery up orders and Norwich Pharmacal orders.
Alistair’s previous experience includes working within a leading Middle Eastern law firm’s Dubai International Financial Centre litigation team.
X and others v Y Inc and others
Unlawful means conspiracy claim arising from corporate raiding.
London seated arbitration under a take or pay contract between foreign companies.
X Ltd v Y Ltd
German seated arbitration arising under a multilateral agreement for reimbursement procedures.
X Ltd v Y Ltd; X Ltd v Z Ltd
Linked arbitrations arising under a series of international supply contracts.
Z v L Ltd
Dispute under a share purchase agreement.
X Ltd v Y Bv
London seated arbitration concerning interpretation of industry standard terms.
B Ltd v A Ltd and I Ltd
Contractual dispute arising from the shutdown of a human products processing plant.
R Ltd v C Ltd
Contractual dispute concerning fitness for purpose of a custom-made product, leading to the failure of an enterprise.
C Ltd v V
Setting aside of a sham transaction entered into for the purposes of evading enforcement.
H Ltd v C
Dispute regarding misuse of confidential information.
X v Y Inc
Duties of a company following disclosure of alleged complicity in corruption.
V v A Firm
Dispute as to the enforceability of a foreign retainer agreement.
J Ltd v A Ltd v O Srl
Contractual dispute following the theft of a consignment of goods.
With experience across business human rights (BHR), product liability and environmental claims, Alistair is a highly sought-after group litigation practitioner. He acts for claimants, defendants and litigation funders.
Alistair’s expertise in the private international law issues which often become battlegrounds in this field of litigation, together with his hands on approach, means that he is often involved from an early stage.
Alistair is recommended as a leading individual in group litigation by the legal directories, which note that he is “very smart, highly experienced and provides great advocacy”, “has exceptional knowledge of the law, is adept at picking the right strategy” and “is an excellent junior”.
Alistair was nominated as the 2024 Group Litigation Junior of the Year by the Legal 500 Guide.
Re: The Champions League Final 2022
Injuries sustained at a sporting event in Paris (with Matthew Chapman KC, ongoing).
The Bille and Ogale Group Litigation
Environmental damage claims arising from oil spills in Nigeria (with Richard Hermer KC and others, ongoing).
Da Silva and others v Brazil Iron Limited
Environmental damage claim arising from mining operations in Brazil; injunctive relief to prevent defendants contacting members of claimant group (ongoing).
The Bomu-Bonny Oil Pipeline Litigation
Environmental damage claim arising from oil spill in Bodo, Nigeria (with Richard Hermer KC and others, ongoing).
Re: A Medical Product
Advising a medical technologies manufacturer on allegations that a medical product was defective and had caused serious illnesses to a cohort of patients (ongoing).
Bravo v Amerisur Resources Ltd [2023] EWHC 122 (KB)
Environmental damage claim following oil spill in Colombia (with Richard Lord KC and Alex Layton KC, settled after trial of preliminary issues).
Emissions Litigation
Advising various claimant groups/funders on specific issues in claims involving emissions from diesel engines (ongoing).
Re: A Manufacturer
Advising a manufacturer on potential liabilities and recall arising from a product discovered to contain a toxic substance (concluded).
AAA and others v Gemfields
Human rights violations concerning a mine in Mozambique (with Marie Louise Kinsler KC, claim settled).
The Kenya Emergency Group Litigation
Historic human rights claim against the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (claim concluded following lead claims).
Alistair has extensive experience of a wide range of insurance matters, regularly advising on questions of recovery, policy coverage, misrepresentations and non-disclosure.
He has particular expertise in dealing with complex coverage questions and cases with an international or cross-border element.
Alistair also has extensive experience of dealing with fraudulent and exaggerated claims.
Clarke v Kalecinski [2022] EWHC 488 (QB)
Limits to insurers’ liability for clinical negligence committed abroad.
Amlin Corporate Member v Baby Basics Ltd [2017] EWHC 2047 (Comm)
Declaratory proceedings on interpretation of insurance policy and Israeli class actions.
Re: H Plc
Advising on forum and applicable law disputes concerning claims under a series of connected policies following a fire in a European country.
Re: A Ltd
Advising on declinature following breach of warranty.
Re: F Ltd
Coverage disputes in a series of claims under the Third Party (Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010.
C v T and RSA
Insurer’s liability for foreign social security payments (with Howard Palmer KC).
Re: T Ltd
Fraud under a business interruption policy.
Alistair has a busy conflict of laws practice, regularly appearing in high profile cases in this specialist area. He has acted in leading cases concerning jurisdiction, choice of law and the enforcement of foreign judgments and has an extensive understanding of the legal complexities these areas involve. He is happy where appropriate to advise on discrete issues of private international law in ongoing cases.
He is recognised in Chambers UK and Legal 500 for his private international law work, noting that “His knowledge of foreign jurisdiction law is outstanding”, that he is “Exceptionally bright. Hard-working and very conscientious. A creative thinker when it comes to legal problems.”
Alistair’s instructions frequently concern claims arising from cross-border commercial, insurance, environmental and product liability disputes.
Alistair is often asked to provide training on cross-border litigation, and authored 2TG’s “Practical Guide to Anti-Suit Injunctions” with Charles Dougherty KC.
Abram and others v UEFA [2024] EWHC 1518 (KB)
Expert evidence and case management of jurisdiction challenges in group litigation
King Berebon v Shell Petroleum Development Co of Nigeria [2024] EWHC 276 (TCC)
Proper scope of the foreign act of state doctrine in environmental litigation (with Richard Hermer KC)
BAA v Commissioner of the British Indian Ocean Territory Administration [2023] EWHC 767 (KB)
Jurisdiction to grant an injunction against the administrator of an overseas territory (with Richard Hermer KC)
Bravo v Amerisur Resources Ltd [2023] EWHC 122 (KB)
Limitation and parent company liability under Colombian law (with Richard Lord KC and Alex Layton KC).
Clarke v Kalecinski [2022] EWHC 488 (QB)
Liability of insurers for clinical negligence under foreign law.
FS Cairo (Nile Plaza) LLC v Brownlie [2021] UKSC 45
Leading case on jurisdiction over foreign defendants and approach to foreign law (Supreme Court, with Howard Palmer KC, Marie Louise Kinsler KC and Ben Phelps).
Committeri v Club Mediterranee SA [2018] EWCA Civ 1889
Application of Rome I and Rome II Regulations and proper approach to foreign law (Court of Appeal, with Hugh Mercer KC)
Moreno v Motor Insurers’ Bureau [2016] UKSC 52
Law applicable MIB’s obligations under European insurance legislation (Supreme Court, with Hugh Mercer KC and Marie Louise Kinsler)
Ministry of Defence v Iraqi Civilians [2017] UKSC 25
Application of Iraqi law (Supreme Court, with Richard Hermer KC and Marie Louise Kinsler)
Laserpoint v Prime Minister of Malta [2016] EWHC 1820 (QB)
Successful appeal against enforcement of a Maltese judgment on the grounds of public policy (with Marie Louise Kinsler)
D (A Child) [2016] UKSC 34
Acting for the Ministry of Justice as intervener in an appeal concerning enforcement of foreign judgments (Supreme Court, with Hugh Mercer KC)
In product liability, Alistair is instructed by claimants, manufacturers and insurers in complex disputes, often arising out of medical or safety-critical products. He is particularly sought after in cases where issues of jurisdiction or choice of law arise, or where large-scale group litigation is contemplated.
Alistair’s practice includes both commercial and consumer product liability claims. In addition to claims under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, he acts in litigation arising out of alleged failures to adequately recall dangerous products and in complex supply chain litigation.
He is listed as a leading individual in both Chambers UK and Legal 500 for product liability disputes, with the directories noting that he is “really switched on” “has a clear and tactical mind” and “provides mature and helpful insight in a legal team and is likely to be an ever-increasing presence in the product liability world”.
Alistair was a co-author of the chapter on Product Liability in 2TG’s The Law of Property Damage, published by Bloomsbury in 2023.
Re: A Medical Product
Advising a medical technologies manufacturer on allegations that a medical product was defective and had caused serious illnesses to a cohort of patients.
Re: Pharmaceuticals
Advising on a wholesaler’s rights and obligations on discovering that medicines had been the subject of regulatory action by the MHRA.
Re: Cladding
Advising a developer in contemplated proceedings regarding an unsafe cladding product.
Emissions Litigation
Advising various claimant groups/funders in claims involving emissions from diesel engines.
Re: A Bicycle
Claim arising from a defective bicycle causing severe spinal cord injuries.
Re: Electrical Products
Numerous claims arising from electrical products causing fires in domestic and commercial premises.
Re: A Manufacturer
Advising a manufacturer on potential liabilities and recall arising from a product discovered to contain a toxic substance.
Re: An Automobile
Allegation of self-acceleration causing serious injuries.
ES and others v Groupama Méditerrannée v Goodyear [2018] EWHC 2594 (QB)
Product liability claim pleaded in excess of £190 million concerning duty to recall defective products (with Charles Dougherty KC and Alex Antelme KC).
Alistair’s experience of property damage disputes covers a broad range of factual and legal contexts. He acts for claimants, defendants and insurers in cases arising from damage caused to property by fires, explosions, floods and subsidence. Alistair also has a speciality in dealing with pollution and environmental damage claims, and claims arising from defective products.
Alistair is experienced in analysing, assisting with and challenging the technical expert evidence frequently involved in such claims, and is frequently instructed in cases giving rise to complex insurance disputes.
Alistair was a contributor to 2TG’s The Law of Property Damage, published by Bloomsbury in 2023.
B v A Ltd
Pollution of waterways by spillage of oil.
O Ltd v M AB
Fire at a gas processing plant.
Various v QBE
Numerous cases involving damage allegedly caused by the installation of cavity wall insulation.
G Ltd v B Ltd
Catastrophic failure of an air cooling system.
V Ltd v O Ltd
Application of the Berni Inns principle, exaggeration of claims.
Re: Electrical Products
Numerous claims arising from electrical products causing fires in domestic and commercial premises.
Alistair’s private international law and insurance expertise makes him ideally placed to deal with jurisdiction, choice of law and insurance disputes arising from international travel. He deals with complex disputes and regularly appears in the leading travel law cases.
He is listed in Chambers UK and Legal 500 for travel litigation, where he is described as “meticulous and really hot on the law but also a really good cross examiner” and “Exceptionally bright. Hard-working and very conscientious. A creative thinker when it comes to legal problems.”
Abram and others v UEFA [2024] EWHC 1518 (KB)
Approach to expert evidence in jurisdiction challenge in group litigation arising from injuries at a sporting event in France
Stait v Cosmos Insurance [2022] EWCA Civ 1429
Jurisdiction dispute regarding domicile of members of the Armed Forces (Court of Appeal)
Clarke v Kalecinski [2022] EWHC 488 (QB)
Liability of insurers for clinical negligence under foreign law
FS Cairo (Nile Plaza) LLC v Brownlie [2021] UKSC 45
Leading case in the Supreme Court on jurisdiction over foreign defendants and approach to foreign law (Supreme Court, with Howard Palmer KC, Marie Louise Kinsler KC and Ben Phelps)
C v T and RSA (2019 to 2021)
Claim in French law concerning liability for foreign social security payments (with Howard Palmer KC)
Committeri v Club Méditerranée SA [2018] EWCA Civ 1889
Application of Rome I and Rome II Regulations and proper approach to foreign law (Court of Appeal, with Hugh Mercer KC)
ES and others v Groupama Méditerrannée [2018] EWHC 2594 (QB)
Fatal accident claim in French law pleaded in excess of £190 million (with Charles Dougherty KC and Alex Antelme KC)
Jurisdiction challenge, access to justice and other issues in unlawful means conspiracy (with Charles Dougherty KC).
Court of Appeal decision on case management, approach to pleadings and lead cases in group litigation (with Anneliese Day KC)
Expert evidence and case management of jurisdiction challenges in group litigation
Environmental damage following oil spill in Nigeria; issues including foreign act of state doctrine (with Richard Hermer KC)
Amendments in group litigation governed by Nigerian law (with Richard Hermer KC)
Environmental damage claim following oil spill in Colombia (with Richard Lord KC and Alex Layton KC)
Jurisdiction dispute in the Court of Appeal regarding domicile of members of the Armed Forces
Scope of liability of insurers for clinical negligence under foreign law
Leading case in the Supreme Court on jurisdiction over foreign defendants and approach to foreign law (with Howard Palmer KC, Marie Louise Kinsler KC and Ben Phelps)
Claim in respect of the accidental death of a valuable dressage horse in the care of a stud farm.
Claim in French law concerning liability for foreign social security payments (with Howard Palmer KC)
Product liability claim pleaded in excess of £190 million concerning duty to recall defective products (with Charles Dougherty KC and Alex Antelme KC)
Advising on private international law issues in group action by Mozambican miners (with Marie Louise Kinsler KC)
Application of Rome I and Rome II Regulations and proper approach to foreign law in the Court of Appeal (with Hugh Mercer KC)
Supreme Court appeal on jurisdiction in respect of foreign defendants (with Howard Palmer KC and Marie Louise Kinsler KC)
Declaratory proceedings on interpretation of insurance policy and Israeli class actions
Supreme Court decision on law applicable MIB’s obligations under European insurance legislation (with Hugh Mercer KC and Marie Louise Kinsler)
Application of Iraqi law in the Supreme Court (with Richard Hermer KC and Marie Louise Kinsler)
Successful appeal against enforcement of a Maltese judgment on the grounds of public policy (with Marie Louise Kinsler)
Acting for the Ministry of Justice as intervener in a Supreme Court appeal concerning enforcement of foreign judgments (with Hugh Mercer KC)
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“Alistair is completely reliable, hard-working and intelligent, with a very good sense of judgement.”
“He’s just incredibly diligent, hard-working and always gets the work done to a high standard.”
“Very smart, highly experienced and provides great advocacy.”
“Alistair is an excellent junior. His knowledge of foreign jurisdiction law is outstanding.”
“He’s just incredibly diligent, hard-working and always gets the work done to a high standard.”
“Very smart, highly experienced and provides great advocacy.”
“Alistair does claimant and defendant work, so he has insight into what is going on on the other side.”
“Alistair drafts really well and has a can-do attitude.”
“He is incredibly knowledgeable on a lot of complex issues and very good in conference. In trial he is calm and well prepared. He has an ability to home in on the core issues.”
“He is meticulous and really hot on the law but also a really good cross-examiner. He is incredibly clever and very charming, and judges love him.”
Chambers UK 2025
“He has exceptional knowledge of the law, is adept at picking the right strategy and clients enjoy working with him.”
“Exceptionally bright. Hard-working and very conscientious. A creative thinker when it comes to legal problems.”
“Alistair is a first-class junior. He is intelligent, astute, helpful and unflappable. He has matured significantly over the last years and presents among the best juniors in the field.”
Legal 500 2025
“Alistair is really switched on. He has a clear and tactical mind, which is amazingly helpful.”
“Alistair has strong knowledge and amazing research skills.”
“He has excellent knowledge of the applicable principles and regulations and has very strong advocacy skills and commercial awareness”
Chambers UK Bar 2024
“A superb legal mind. Very intelligent and tactically aware – a very talented barrister.”
“Alistair’s particular strengths are his breadth of experience and his super-sharp brain.”
“Alistair provides mature and helpful insight in a legal team and is likely to be an ever-increasing presence in the product liability world.”
Legal 500 2024
“A very impressive litigator with great depth of knowledge”
“He is very strong on jurisdictional issues”
“An incredibly impressive product liability practice”
“He provides clear analysis of cases”
Chambers UK Bar 2023
“Very sharp. Gets to grip quickly with the complex issues in hand. Reliable and instils confidence in the work he provides.”
“Extremely bright, with an encyclopaedic knowledge of product liability law.”
“An excellent junior, Alistair has a really impressive group litigation practice”
Legal 500 2023
“He’s pragmatic and a tenacious advocate.”
“Alistair is very easy to deal with and you can speak with him on any issue. He’s also very amenable and always willing to assist outside formal instruction.”
“A brilliant junior who has a good approach to cases with foreign clients and makes things run very smoothly.”
“He is meticulous, excellent on his feet and very technically adept.”
Chambers UK Bar 2022
“A potential star of the future: an excellent junior confidently handling work beyond his level of call.”
Legal 500 2022
“phenomenally bright”
Chambers UK Bar 2021
“extremely knowledgeable”
Legal 500 2021
“super clever and provides a really good service”
Chambers UK Bar 2021
“quick, thorough, technical”
Chambers UK Bar 2020
“always delivers”
Chambers UK Bar 2020
“amazingly good at understanding the international elements of a case”
Chambers UK Bar 2020
“gives very good advice”
Chambers UK Bar 2020