
2TG Chambers & Partners Rankings 2018

Posted: 14/07/2017

2TG are delighted to note that 9 new members are to be ranked when the new publication of Chambers & Partners arrives later in the year.

This includes new individual rankings for Robert Cumming under Clinical Negligence, Christopher Lundie, under Commercial Dispute Resolution, Niazi Fetto, Helen Wolstenholme and Rehana Azib under Personal Injury, Tim Killen under Property Damage plus a new team ranking under Commercial Dispute Resolution. The breadth of our practice is reflected in our rankings across a wide range of disciplines – we now have 37 individual rankings and 8 team rankings.

Official bandings are due to be announced in November 2017.


Rehana Azib KC

Call: 2003 Silk: 2022

Niazi Fetto KC

Call: 1999 Silk: 2023

Timothy Killen

Call: 2010

Robert Cumming

Call: 2010


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