Race Statement

2TG is committed to taking positive action against racism in all its forms: individual, institutional and systemic. We wholeheartedly endorse the Bar Council statement on equal treatment, the rule of law, and inclusion here. We condemn racial discrimination and inequality, and are striving to make Chambers a fair, equal and anti-racist place for clients, staff, barristers, anyone undertaking work experience or training with us, or applying to join us. We are committed supporters of initiatives seeking to establish equal and fair treatment for all minority ethnic groups.

We are acutely aware that the ethnic diversity of our staff and barristers is not representative of the wider community. We were also concerned to note the results of the recent Race at the Bar report demonstrating the lack of racial diversity at the Bar more widely. Ethnic diversity in recruitment is of course just one issue that the Bar faces. We are equally conscious that the experiences of those from minority ethnic backgrounds at the Bar can be fraught. We are seeking to take pro-active steps wherever possible to contribute to the elimination of these issues.

  • A group of our barristers and staff recently completed the newly launched two-part Bar Council Race Working Group Race Awareness training.
  • We have signed up to the 10,000 Black Interns programme and are pleased to have welcomed two mini-pupils to Chambers this year (with capacity for more).
  • We have hosted several mini-pupils from Bridging the Bar this year, with more due to come next year.
  • We are looking forward to welcoming a number of mentees through the COMBAR Mentoring Scheme for Under-Represented Groups.
  • We continuously collect and robustly scrutinise data about the diversity of applicants in our recruitment processes, and are proud that our data compares favourably to other Chambers in the Gateway.
  • We offer quiet and private spaces in Chambers for clients (or anyone else visiting Chambers) for prayer or other religious or cultural contemplation.
  • We have an Equality and Diversity Working Group that plans initiatives to combat the challenges affecting those from minority ethnic groups at the Bar.

We know that we can do more. We have publicised this statement not only to demonstrate that we are committed to the values and initiatives set out in it, but also to acknowledge that our work is far from over, and to commit ourselves to continued efforts to create and contribute to a truly equal and inclusive environment at the Bar.

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