
Brave, or just costly, new world?

Posted: 30/05/2017

Hyatt Regency London Blackfriars,
New Bridge Street,

10th January 2023

Cost: Free
CPD: 1.5

The Lord Chancellor’s explosive announcement to reduce the discount rate to -0.75% takes personal injury litigation into uncharted territory. It comes into effect on 20 March which, significantly, is after the Budget. It is expected that by 16 March, smoke will have cleared and this Brave, and Costly New World can start to be mapped with more confidence.

Please come to a seminar at the Crowne Plaza, to be chaired by Christopher Russell, at which he, and other senior members of the 2TG Personal Injury team, Ben Browne KC, Howard Palmer KC will explain the likely consequences of the change, how it affects difficult areas of injury compensation and point out some of the unintended consequences of it.

We would be delighted if you could join us. We will start promptly at 6.00pm. The seminar will last about 1 hour and will be followed by drinks and canapés.

This is a free event which qualifies for 1.5 CPD hours.

If you wish to attend this event please respond to Deborah Francis at


Benjamin Browne KC

Call: 1976 Silk: 1996

Howard Palmer KC

Call: 1977 Silk: 1999


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